The Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám

The Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám. An updated bibliography. Jos Coumans. Leiden, Leiden University Press, 2010. (Iranian Series). ISBN 9789087280963

Bibliografisch overzicht met beschrijvingen van meer dan 1.000 uitgaven van Rubáiyát van Omar Khayyám. De eerste volledige bibliografie sinds de Rubáiyát bibliografie van A.G. Potter, die in 1929 verscheen.

Acknowledgements, p. 11
Introduction, p. 13
Appendix 1: Manuscripts, p. 29
Appendix 2: Bibliographic references, p. 33
Appendix 3: Statistics
Bibliography of the Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám, p. 51
1. FitzGerald’s versions, nrs. 1-294
2. Other translations, nrs. 295-879
3. Multilingual editions, nrs. 880-921
4. Miniature books, nrs. 922-960
5. Miscellanea, nrs. 961-980
6. Study & criticism, nrs. 981-998
7. Interpretation, nrs. 990-1015
Indices, p. 223

The great ‘Umar Khayyám

The great ‘Umar Khayyám. A global reception of the Rubáiyát. A.A. Seyed-Gohrab (ed.). Leiden, Leiden University Press, 2012. 267 p. (Iranian Series). ISBN: 9789087281571.
Papers gepresenteerd tijdens de tweedaagse conferentie ‘The Legacy of Omar Khayyam’, Leiden, juli 2009.

The Rubáiyát by ‘Umar Khayyám (1048-1131) is used in contemporary Iran as a resistance literature, symbolizing the secularist voice in cultural debates. While Islamic fundamentalists criticize Khayyám as an atheist and materialist philosopher who questions God’s creation and the promise of reward or punishment in the hereafter, secularist intellectuals see in him an example of a scientist who scrutinizes the mysteries of the world. Others see a spiritual master, a Sufi, who guides people to the truth. This volume collects eighteen essays on the history of the reception of ‘Umar Khayyám in various literary traditions, exploring how his philosophy of doubt, carpe diem, hedonism, and in vino veritas has inspired generations of poets, novelists, painters, musicians, calligraphers and film-makers.
Acknowledgements, p. 9
– A.A. Seyed-Gohrab – Khayyám’s Universal Appeal: Man, Wine, and the Hereafter in the Quatrains, p. 11
– M. Aminrazavi – Reading the Rubá’iyyát as “Resistance Literature”, p. 39
– A.H. Morton – Some ‘Umarian Quatrains from the Lifetime of ‘Umar Khayyām, p. 55
– M. Bagheri – Between Tavern and Madrasa: ‘Umar Khayyám the Scientist, p. 67
– M. Alsulami – The Arab Umar Khayy”am, p. 73
– Jan Just Witkam – Ahmad Rámí’s Arabic translation of the Quatrains of ‘Umar Khayyám, p. 85
– S. Sötemann – Quatrains of ‘Umar Khayyám in Turkish and Turkish Quatrains, p. 97
– J.T.P. de Bruijn – Other Persian Quatrains in Holland: the Roseraie du Savoir of Husayn-i Ázád, p. 105
– M. Goud – Khayyám’s Impact on Modern Dutch Literature, p. 115
– J.D.F. van Halsema – Bitter Certainty: J.H. Leopold on ‘Umar Khayyám, p. 129
– J. Biegstraaten – How ‘Umar Khayyám Inspired Dutch Visual Artists, p. 135

Khayyam, Omar xi. Impact on literature and society in the West

Khayyam, Omar xi. Impact on literature and society in the West. Jos Biegstraaten
In: Encyclopaedia Iranica, 15-12-2008

The first scholar outside Persia to study Omar Khayyam was the English orientalist, Thomas Hyde (1636-1703). In his Historia religionis veterum Persarum eorumque magorum (1700), he not only devoted some space to the life and works of Khayyam, but also translated one quatrain (robāʿi) into Latin. The first quatrain in English was published in 1816 by Henry George Keene (1781-1864) in the famous magazine Fundgruben des Orients/Mines d’Orient. Although the founder of the Fundgruben, Joseph von Hammer-Purgstall (1774-1856), translated a few of Khayyam’s poems into German in 1818, and Sir Gore Ouseley (1770-1844) into English in 1846, Khayyam was to remain relatively unknown for some time (Dole, I, pp. IX-XV)

Bois du vin …

Bois du vin … English, French and German translations in Persian polyglot editions of The Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám. Jos Coumans
In: Persica, No. XXVI (2017-2018), pp. 103-163.

Many recent editions of the Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám, published in Iran, have more than one translation, sometimes up to thirty or more. Usually they contain the English translation by Edward FitzGerald, accompanied by a text in Persian and translations in French, German, Spanish, Russian, Urdu and so on. However, it is seldom clear who these translators are, as their names are usually not mentioned. In this article I have tried to identify these quatrains: who was the translator and from which edition were the quatrains selected. Nineteen editions, published in Iran between 1955 and 2016 were examined. The analyses are restricted to translations in English, French and German.

Omar Khayyam’s Transgressive Ethics and Their Socio-Political Implications in Contemporary Iran

Omar Khayyam’s Transgressive Ethics and Their Socio-Political Implications in Contemporary Iran. A.A. Seyed-Gohrab
In: Iran Namag, 5 (2020), nr. 3

In this paper, the author examines several social implications of Khayyam’s poetry and the reception history of the Persian sage (hakim) Omar Khayyam, who has become a personification of transgressive ideas in Persian literary history. The fascination of the author is due not only to Khayyam’s poetic genius (although he is not the author of the majority of quatrains attributed to him), but also to his problematic reception in twentieth-century Iran and how he has been connected to the notion of modernity. Both religious and secular intellectuals have tried to position Khayyam in the modern intellectual history of Iran in their own ways.

Rubaiyat : wijn-wijsheid in kwatrijnen van Omar Khayyam

Rubaiyat : wijn-wijsheid in kwatrijnen van Omar Khayyam. – [S.l. : s.n.], 1990. – 48 p.; 21 cm.

Selectie van 59 wijnkwatrijnen in de vertalingen van Leopold en Boutens en hun bronnen (Whinfield, Rosen, Anet en Muhammed). Met een nawoord van Joop (Joep) Otterbeek.

Omar Khayyam. Rubaiyat

Omar Khayyam. Rubaiyat. In de vertalingen van Edward FitzGerald & Theo van Raalte. Met een verantwoording van Johan van Schagen. – Woubrugge : Avalon Pers, 1992. – 74 p.; 21 cm.

De Rubaiyat van Omar Khayyam, in de vertalingen van Edward FitzGerald en Theo van Raalte, werd gezet uit de Garamond en gedrukt op Zerkall-Bütten door de Avalon Pers te Woubrugge. Het typen en gieten van de letter werd verzorgd door J.C. Knijnenburg en H. Saveur. Het frontispice bij de nummers 1-100 is gemaakt door Frans de Jong, de ets bij de nummers 101-175 is vervaardigd door Theo Forrer. De oplage bedraagt 175 exemplaren en kwam gereed in januauri 1992.

Omar Khayyam. Rubaiyat/Kwatrijnen = Omar Khayyam. Rubaiyat/Quatrains

Omar Khayyam. Rubaiyat/Kwatrijnen = Omar Khayyam. Rubaiyat/Quatrains. Vertaald door Johan van Schagen. – Soest : Kairo, 1995. – 142 p., 16,5 cm. – ISBN: 9070338459


– Rubaiyat/Quatrains, p. 8
– Rubaiyat/Kwatrijnen, p. 9
– Quatrains from the other editions, p. 78
– Kwatrijnen uit de andere edities, p.79
– Aantekeningen bij de kwatrijnen, p.90
– Omar Khayyam en zijn Rubaiyat, p. 108
– Bibliografie van Nederlandse vertalingen, p. 140

Rubáiyát van Omar Khayyám

Rubáiyát van Omar Khayyám. Edward FitzGerald. Naar de laatste door FitzGerald geautoriseerde editie, waaraan toegevoegd de kwatrijnen die daarin niet zijn opgenomen. Vertaald en van aantekeningen voorzien door W. Blok. Met een inleiding door Johan van Schagen. – Baarn : Ambo, 1997. – 105 p.; 22 cm. – (Ambo Tweetalig). – ISBN: 9026314825.


– Inleiding: FitzGerald als de vertaler van de Rubáiyát van Omar Khayyám, p. 7
– Verantwoording, p. 26
– FitzGerald’s fourth edition, p. 28
– De kwatrijnen uit de vierde editie, p. 29
– Appendix, p. 72
– Aanhangsel, p. 73
– Aantekeningen, p. 81
-Voornaamste geraadpleegde literatuur, p. 101