Schatkamers vol wijsheid en wijn

Schatkamers vol wijsheid en wijn. Arie van den Berg

In: NRC, 5 sept. 1997.
Bespreking van de vertaling van de Rubáiyát van W. Blok en van De rozentuin van J.T.P. de Bruijn

Omar Khayyám en de Rubaiyat in vertaling en romans

Omar Khayyám en de Rubaiyat in vertaling en romans. Kees Hendrikse
In: Boekenpost, jrg. 10 (2002), nr. 61 (sept./okt.), p. 34, 35

In de serie onder de titel BOEKBOEKEN bespreekt Kees Hendrikse bekende en minder bekende schrijvers met hun boeken over mensen die boeken lezen, schrijven, drukken of verkopen: Garfield, Canetti, Bradbury, Hanff, e.a. Dit keer de apocriefe lotgevallen van een wereldberoemde tekst.

Bois du vin …

Bois du vin … English, French and German translations in Persian polyglot editions of The Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám. Jos Coumans
In: Persica, No. XXVI (2017-2018), pp. 103-163.

Many recent editions of the Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám, published in Iran, have more than one translation, sometimes up to thirty or more. Usually they contain the English translation by Edward FitzGerald, accompanied by a text in Persian and translations in French, German, Spanish, Russian, Urdu and so on. However, it is seldom clear who these translators are, as their names are usually not mentioned. In this article I have tried to identify these quatrains: who was the translator and from which edition were the quatrains selected. Nineteen editions, published in Iran between 1955 and 2016 were examined. The analyses are restricted to translations in English, French and German.