The (general di-)rector’s rubaiyat

The (general di-)rector’s rubaiyat

Hark! for the message cometh from the King!
To distant Sealand he will spread his wing.
Lost sheep, his Liemers’ flock, he leaves behind.
New victims to a calculating fling?

And we, that now make merry in the room
he left, and April dresses in new bloom,
Ourselves must we beneath the Liemers earth
descend – ourselves to make a couch – for whom?

And those who husbanded his rule in vain
And those who flung their axes at his reign
Lament his imminent departure so
Not knowing what the New will bring in again.

With him the Seed of wisdom did we sow,
Labouring like hell, we forced it to grow:
And it was quite a Harvest that we reapéd –
Surfing the wind, to the water he’ll go.

With Omar Khayyam’s book beneath a tree,
With mussels and a jug of wine sits he,
Of days gone by he dreams in far Holly,
as rules by Jack in Subenhare we pine.

Auteur onbekend
Bij zijn afscheid als rector van het Liemers College in Zevenaar, in 1992, was het informatieblad van het college met allerlei bijdragen aan het vertrek van Jos Biegstraaten gewijd. Een van de auteurs (zijn bijdrage bleef anoniem) schreef bovenstaande parodie.

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