The erring finger writes

The erring finger writes. The Leicester pirate cyclostyles of the Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám. Jos Coumans, John Drew. Cambridge, Cambridge Poetry Workshop, 2015. 43 p. ISBN: 9781871214260

The story of Holyoak’s cyclostyle editions of the Rubáiyát, the interference by Macmillans who saw the work of a simple Leicester book seller as a threat to their business and the respons by W.H. Holyoak and G.J. Holyoake. The booklet also shows documents and descriptions of the various versions of Holyoak’s printings.

Uit de Rubaijat

Uit de Rubaijat. J.H. Leopold
In: Verzen door J.H. Leopold. – Rotterdam : [s.n.], 1912.

29 kwatrijnen, vertaald naar Whinfield (1909) en Rosen (1909)

Kwatrijnen van Omar-I-Chayyâm

Kwatrijnen van Omar-I-Chayyâm. Frits Pijl. – Amsterdam : De Dolle Hond, 2001. – 28 p.; 20 cm.

Roofdruk van de uitgave uit 1947